This is your IP Address. Awesome! Find more interesting information below.

        whatismyip ~ $ 


  • linux
  • mac
  • win
            $  hostname -I | awk '{print $1}
            $  ipconfig getifaddr en0
            $  ipconfig | findstr /i "ipv4"


Geographical Information

Country Name United States of America ISP Amazon Technologies Inc.
City Columbus Something Something
State/Region Ohio Something Something

Malis percipitur an pro. Pro aperiam persequeris at, at sonet sensibus mei, id mea postulant definiebas concludaturque. Id qui malis abhorreant, mazim melius quo et. At eam altera dolorum, case dicant lobortis ius te, ad vel affert oportere reprehendunt. Quo no verterem deseruisse, mea brute postea te, ne per tacimates suavitate vituperatoribus.

Speed Test

Provided by OpenSpeedtest.com


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, scripta tibique indoctum sit ei, mel inani aeterno ad. Facer oratio ex per. At eam movet verear, in sea brute patrioque disputando, usu nonumes torquatos an. Ex his quaerendum intellegebat, ut vel homero accusam. Eum at debet tibique, in vocibus temporibus adversarium sed. Porro verear eu vix, ne usu tation vituperata.

Malis percipitur an pro. Pro aperiam persequeris at, at sonet sensibus mei, id mea postulant definiebas concludaturque. Id qui malis abhorreant, mazim melius quo et. At eam altera dolorum, case dicant lobortis ius te, ad vel affert oportere reprehendunt. Quo no verterem deseruisse, mea brute postea te, ne per tacimates suavitate vituperatoribus.

Fast & Light

Start writing your notes immediately in any terminal! No more time wasted on navigating and opening your text editor.

File Syncing

Save your file in Dropbox then you can access to it from anywhere.


Encrypt your notes optionally. No one can get to your secrets!


Maintain all your settings in a single config.json file. Never need to redo the setting every single time jotting down a note.


For better readability, scribbler has a clean, beautiful color scheme allow you to scan files fast.


You can expect common keybindings for scribbler. Customize bindings.json for your own liking!

Read our documentation for advanced keybindings and customization




  • Improving the writing workflow with better key bindings
  • Design updates
  • SSL Verification for web hooks
  • Render Emoji


  • Adding Unicode support
  • Basic text highlighting
  • Fresh Design


  • Save default md file in new folders
  • Ability to quick search on existing notes